S- "Horsepower" Sidwell 9192
S- "Lou" Sidwell 0195
D- Sidwell 8169
"White Heat"
S- Slack 4299
D- Martin 10058
D- Martin Yellow 387
DOB: 9/18/2021 ET
Champion Dorset Ram at the 2022 Midwest Stud Ram Sale. We purchased "White Heat" in partnership with Tom Manning Dorsets. For you Dorset enthusiast, there isn't a spec of color on this guy. I'll let his picture do the rest of the talking.
S- Martins 4-M Ranch 1799
S- "Shoot The Moon" NOC SY-6109-9055
D- NOC HN-3102-6109
"Noc Noc"
S- "Slapshot" Anderson Farms 3187
D- Anderson Farms 3491
D- Amyx Orange 11010
DOB: 3/2/2020 Triplet
No he isn't a wether sire, and obviously he isn't a frame sheep. This guy is the key to making slick shorn BREEDING sheep. Good in his lines and great on his feet and legs. He is the perfect complement to our "production first" ewe base.
This is one of the few natural bred lambs out of Anderson 3491. She has produced an enormous amount of stud rams and ewes. I'll let you call Bart Cardwell and ask him how much he likes her.
S- "Guido"
S- "Deep Purple" - Fischer 16508
D- Silver Smith 1640
Forbes DOB: 1-20-2021 Twin RRNN
Ahead of his time for a slick shorn Dorset. This guys style combined with his shear power was unmatched. If you're after super complete, productive sheep, you need to give this guy a try.